Projects / Water / Industrial

Davis Water Treatment Plant WTP RWHEEI High Services Pump Station, Surge Control-Austin, Texas

Owner: City of Austin
Contact Person: AECOM | Xiaohong He, PhD, P.E.
Date Completed: Finishing Design Phase
Construction Cost: $10M est.
Project Description:

Jose I. Guerra, Inc. was the structural engineer-of-record for the Davis Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Hydraulics and Energy Efficiency Improvements, High Service Pump Station Improvements. The Structural Team was responsible for the full design and detailing of the modification and expansion of the existing underground surge vault. The existing vault roof was demolished. We enlarged the existing vault by raising the vault walls and designing a new metal roof structures to house the larger surge tank. New equipment pads and stairs were added to accommodate the new equipment and updated vault configuration. In addition, our Structural Team designed a new check valve vault to be attached to the side of the surge vault. It served as the link between the surge tank and the existing 30” diameter storm sewer pipe. The wall had been specially detailed to allow the 15ft deep existing pipe to connect to the check valve. In addition, we detailed the roof to include a safety hatch that allowed safe access to the valve for maintenance staff. With our expertise in the improvement works of multiple water treatment plants in Central Texas, our team has successfully added significant value to the water treatment system continuous improvement plan.

Services Provided:

Jose I. Guerra, Inc. is providing complete structural engineering design services and once in construction we will provide CA services.

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