Projects / Water / Industrial

Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant – New Expansion – Austin, Texas

Owner: City of Austin | Austin Water
Contact Person: AECOM
Date Completed: December 2029 (est.)
Construction Cost: $750M - $1B (est. range)
Project Description:

The PER Phase was completed in February of 2022 to assess the existing plant and provide preliminary design of the new facilities to accommodate the 25MGD expansion of the plant.
Jose I. Guerra, Inc. structural team is responsible for the detailed design of 26 new structures for the final design phase of the plant expansion. Our structural team’s designs include the new Aeration Basins, Final Clarifiers, Fermenters, RAS-WAS pump station, Sludge Thickeners, Filters Building, Transfer Pump Station, Stormwater Pump Station, Electrical Buildings/Substations, Pedesphere Storage Tank foundations and Outfall structures.
All structures that are used to convey, store, or treat water/wastewater are designed to comply with the ACI 350-20. In addition to producing structural design drawings and calculations, Jose I. Guerra, Inc. is also instrumental in facilitating the coordination with Mechanical Process, Electrical, Architectural design teams, and providing the preliminary construction cost estimates and specifications for the final design.


Services Provided:

Jose I. Guerra Inc. is providing complete structural engineering design and construction administration services.


Slideshow (Click images below to view)